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Product Description

This leaflet provides information on bleeding gums, diet, breast-feeding, teething and cleaning a baby`s teeth.

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Pack of 25 or 100

Dental Care for Mother and Baby' leaflets come with a cartoon image on the front page and answers the following questions

  • Why is dental care for mother and baby important?
  • Do I need to see my dentist during pregnancy?
  • Why are my gums bleeding?
  • Is dental treatment safe during pregnancy?
  • What if I need dental x-rays?
  • Does pregnancy cause damage to teeth?
  • What about smoking and alcohol in pregnancy?
  • When will my baby's teeth appear?
  • What about my diet during pregnancy?
  • Is teething painful?
  • When should I take my baby to the dentist for the first time?
  • Does breast feeding affect my baby's teeth?
  • What about bottle feeding?
  • When should I stop bottle feeding?
  • What solid foods are better for my baby?
  • When should I start cleaning my baby's teeth?
  • How should I clean my baby's teeth?
  • What if my baby sucks its thumb or needs a dummy?
  • What if my baby damages a tooth?
All our leaflets are 'Approved' for Plain English by the Word Centre, making them very patient-friendly.

They are presented in a simple Q&A format and are one of the most economic ways to ensure your patient has the correct information available. 


Product Code

Mother and baby leaflets

Item in Stock (19999981 Available)

Product Code LEAMB25