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Product Description

By reading this brochure, patients can learn about a variety of cosmetic treatments.

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This leaflet has a photographic front and covers of veneers, white fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, tooth whitening, orthodontics and tooth jewellery can be found.

Available in packs of 25 or 100 leaflets, with each one answering the following questions:
  • What is cosmetic dentistry?
  • What is a veneer?
  • Why might I have a veneer?
  • How are veneers fitted?
  • Can I have white fillings?
  • My tooth is badly broken - what can I do?
  • How does the dentist make a crown?
  • What happens to my teeth while the crown is being made?
  • What is a crown made of?
  • How can my dentist fill a gap in my mouth?
  • What is a bridge?
  • What if I don't want my remaining teeth drilled?
  • Can implants be used to replace missing teeth?
  • Can I lighten the colour of my teeth?
  • What does tooth whitening involve?
  • What other tooth-whitening methods are there?
  • How safe are whitening kiosks and beauticians?
  • What is an 'incorrect bite'?
  • What can happen if it is not treated?How can it be treated?
  • Can my crooked or twisted teeth be straightened?
  • Are there any alternatives to orthodontics?
  • What is tooth jewellery?
All our leaflets are 'Approved' for Plain English by the Word Centre, making them very patient-friendly.

They are presented in a simple Q&A format and are one of the most economic ways to ensure your patient has the correct information available. 

We also have this leaflet, with the same content, available with a cartoon image on the front.

Alternatively, if you need more detail for your patients on the cosmetic procedures in this leaflet, many of them are available as individual leaflets.


Product Code

Cosmetic treatment' prestige leaflets

Item in Stock (19999986 Available)

Product Code PRECOS25